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The Up and Comers Show

Apr 29, 2020

In this busy and rapidly changing day and age, we all can't help but feel the pressure to do as much as we can as fast as we could. As a result, we are sometimes left with unsatisfactory results, where we could have done better. What is lacking in all of this is discipline, and Thane Marcus Ringler reminds us how...

Apr 22, 2020

What is marriage all about, and how much should a ceremony cost? In this fellowship episode, Thane Marcus Ringler has none other than his wife, Evan Ryan Ringler. She is a powerhouse of a woman and is one of the most thoughtful, caring, and intentional individuals Thane has met in his life. Here, they discuss some...

Apr 15, 2020

Life as a DJ can get a lot more complicated than some people might think because unbeknownst to many, it's not all just pressing buttons all the time. Plenty of thought goes into the process of being a DJ, from the learning to the set-up, before you can actually go out there and call yourself a DJ. Thane Marcus...

Apr 8, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has probably never felt this much change in such a short amount of time than ever before. In just weeks and months, our daily lives took a standstill, causing so many unprecedented adjustments physically, emotionally, and mentally. Host, Thane Marcus Ringler, dedicates this...

Apr 1, 2020

Living in the fast-paced world as we do in the present does weird things to our mental health. An inability to slow down would possibly only lead to burnout. Finding moments—short or long periods—to slow down is essential to give yourself the mental bandwidth to navigate the modern world. Kate Rentz is a Los...